Saturday, 28 January 2012


Lacto-lite ni ialah sejenis minuman serbuk yogurt yang menggabungkan kultur hidup dan inulin utk menjamin kesihatan sistem penghadaman kita.Inulin pula adalah sejenis prebiotik yg membantu menambahkan bifidobakteria dalam usus dan membantu memastikan keadaan usus yang baik. Sekaligus dapat membantu menguruskan badan.

*Lacto-Lite tidak mengandungi sebarang herba atau bahan kimia yang bersifat laksatif (julap). Oleh itu, ia tidak akan menyebabkan kekejangan perut atau cirit birit.

 Tahukah Anda?

Terdapat berbillion bakteria wujud dalam usus kita iaitu kira-kira 1.5kg daripada berat badan kita sendiri.
Sistem gastrousus yang sihat perlu mengandungi 80% atau lebih bakteria baik dan bakteria neutral, dan 20% atau kurang bakteria tidak baik/bahaya. Bakteria baik menigkatkan kesihatan usus kita manakala bakteria berbahaya boleh menyebabkan kita jatuh sakit. Namun, bilangan bakteria baik semakin berkurang disebabkan faktor-faktor seperti pemakanan  yang tidak seimbang, penuaan, tekanan, serta pengambilan antibiotik yang berlebihan.
Oleh itu, sistem penghadaman kita memerlukan pertambahan probiotik.


Probiotik: Bakteria baik dalam usus kita dan ia penting bagi menjamin kesihatan usus.

Prebiotik: makanan atau nutrisi yang diperlukan probiotik untuk berkembang dan berfungsi dengan baik.

Probiotik dan Prebiotik boleh diperolehi dengan mudah dari Nurich Lacto-Lite !

Kebaikan / Fungsi Lacto-lite:
·      Membantu mengempis perut
·      Menurunkan berat badan
·      Melacarkan proses penghadaman
·      Menggalakkan metabolism
·      Membantu membuang toksin didlm badan
·      Membantu pertumbuhan bakteria baik dlm perut
·      Membantu melegakan sembelit
·      Membantu sintesis vitamin

Cara Pengambilan

  •    Campurkan sebungkus Lacto-Lite ke dalam 200ml air kosong/air masak (elakkan air panas). Boleh juga dicampur dengan jus buah-buahan atau minuman lain.
  •     Kacau dan kemudian minum.
  •  Digalakkan minum 2x sehari.

*untuk keberkesanan penyahtoksikan terbaik, minum sekurang-kurangnya 2000cc air setiap hari.

Testimonial paling hebat
 from a Premium Beautiful + Lacto-Lite user

CDM Siti Rohana

Berat badan Kak Ana sebelum ini hampir mencecah 100 kg…Sekarang, only 50+ kg!

Below is her beautiful transformation..


Seeing is believing!  Without Diet, suntikan, pembedahan, exercise  etc….

I have met her personally at B32 Stokis. Yes, she is very2 slim. In fact she looks younger than her own-self 3 years back!

If you would like to get this marvelous Lacto-lite, you may order it from me ;)

Harga sekotak cuma RM158 (dlm ada 25 peket) dan ianya HALAL. Sesuai juga diminum oleh ibu2 yg sedang menyusukan anak.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012

PoSitive tHoughT

Hi everyone....

Today's entry is very sweet and simple...

Yesterday, i went to SACC Mall in Shah Alam after work. Konon2 nak pegi sponsoring...tapi stuck in the jam and siap sesat lagi..haha. Nasib baik ada biz partner yg sgt efficient. Thank you very much Nadia Bakly!

As i entered the MPH, I was glued by some  positive quotes written on paperbooks displayed.

I guess it is very good to share with all especially for my PB biz mates =), perjuangan kite semua masih jauh and belum selesai!

here goes...

p/s: Guess which one yg i beli? hehe...just the last 2 quotes only..yg lain tu amik gambar cukop!!! ekeke =p

Wednesday, 4 January 2012

PB is a corset for ALL women!

 Basic Question...Who should wear this PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL corset?

My answer is...those women who have:

  • Obesity problem

  • Irregular period

  • Bad period pain

  • Cyst

  • Fibroid

  • Back pain

  • Slip disc

  • Migrain

  • Gastric

  • Stretch mark and cellulite

  • Asthma

  • Constipation

  • Cancer (for early stage)

  • Women who are trying to conceive

  • Women in confinement 

  • Bride-to-be

Try google for PB testimonies in will defintely find thousands of positive feedbacks from satisfied customer!
It is really worth it...Every women should have one!
It is very suitable for all matter who you are, status and health condition!
p/s: I have my own testimony too! stay tune ..for the next post ;)

Tuesday, 3 January 2012

Pick friends Who Make You feel Good!

Summarized from Readers Digest Asia, January 2012 by Amy Baskin

Having friends boosts your health, but choosing people who make you feel positive increases the benefits..

In a US study, researhers measured the happiness of 4739 people at regular intervals over 20 years. The study found that a person's happiness depends on the happiness of people they connect with. Amazingly, it also found that happiness spreads not only between direct friends, but also among friends of your friends' friends!.

"People with more supportive friends are less likely to develop depression and anxiety" says Dr Toupey Luft, a psychologist in Penticton, British Columbia. "Though you can't choose your family or work colleagues, you do have control over friendships." With a little effort, you can add more positive relationships to your social circle.

In this article, it listed 4 ways to add more positive relationships to your social circle.

  1.  Tap into how you feel
        -There are people you tend to feel more positive around. Use that as your   barometer, and keep track
       - Different friends play different roles

   2.   Get to know yourself
      -  It is important to vent with others in similar life situations

   3.   Join a group
      -  Sometimes your hobbies can lead to supportive friendships
    4.   Don't be afraid to be honest
      -   If you're constantly feeling disappointed with a friend, try talking about what you both need.

......After reading this article, i could relate all these tips to my own experience of joining a fabulous group of young professionals from different backgrounds. We share the same hobby!!!.... an awesome and rewarding hobby!.. it's not only is also a noble hobby and activities coz by doing this we are actually helping others to achieve their dreams...and to forget...we gain more MOneY!

                         What HOBBY or GROUP is that??

                                             This is my fabulous group.....

                    Honestly, i just joined them last December 2011... and in only a month...i have discovered the kindred spirits. It's wonderful to do this with others who love it as much as i do. I feel elevated!!  All these people are always there for me and supported each other through ups and downs. Its like an intellectual and social simulation as well.

                        A special tribute to my dear business partner, Nadia Bakly who was also my classmate in TKC. You have supported me right from the beginning, helping me to move fast, and even teaching me how to create a blog ;). To Paan (her nickname) are actually my backbone in this awesome business. Together we achieve more!

                          Also, not forgetting my sifu, Aliah Nasreen who has taught and helped me a lot all these while. I never met anybody as positive as Aliah. She is a very good leader and motivator, always challenge me to go and stretch myself to the best of my ability and potential. I wanna be like her, she is a total performer not only in this biz but also in her 8-to-5 works. Trust me company minyak...its not easy to be categorized as high potential. Its really weird that we dont know each other before this although we were in the same boarding school and also working in the same tower! LoL.

                Since the first day i joined this business, i have set my mind to do my best. Yes, with the guidance from these fabulous people...i never tought that i could actually sold all my 10 sets of PB in only 3 weeks!!

Betul cakap Aliah and Paan...why not i just give it a try..maybe i can discover my hidden talent in business. Nothing to lose!

My first day attending class at B32...(i still wear my office attire)

Yesterday night's class at B32

Alhamdulillah...i made a right decision. Now, every month..i have a side income which is very satisfactory. I can go shopping without feeling guilty, can save more for furture and can give more to my parents. May Allah berkati segala rezeki yg diberikan. Amin

So,  now....I am looking for a business partner to join me in my journey to success. Don't you want to be surrounded by fabulous and positive people.??  It will boosts your happiness, health, self-esteem and many2 more benefits!!

       Time waits for no man!  Call me 012-2860347 to set up an appointment.
              I am more than happy to share with you this awesome biz opportunity!


Why PB is Superbrand & is the No 1 BEsT SeLLinG Corset in Malaysia...

Premium Beautiful (PB) is very different from normal corsets:

  •  It is custom made to fit different shapes and sizes of women.
  •  It has been awarded with Superbrands.
  •  It has lifetime warranty. (Tears/damages can be repaired FOC)
  •  It is embedded with Tourmaline crystal which contains F.I.R
  •  It is made of Akwatek & Akwadyne material
  •  Recommended by ACA (American Chiropatric Association)

  • Benefits of F.I.R?
    Far Infrared Ray are waves of energy, totally invisible to the naked eye, capable of penetrating deep into the human body, where they gently elevate the body's surface temperature and activate major bodily functions.
    • Far Infrared expands capillaries
    • Far Infrared is excellent for detoxification
    • Far Infrared stimulates enzyme activity and metabolism
    • Far Infrared may induce the killing of varied pathogenic (disease causing) bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasite.
    • Far Infrared promotes rebuilding of injured tissue
    • Far Infrared relieves nervous tension and relax autoneuro muscles
    • Far Infrared strengthens the Immune System
    • Far Infrared strengthens the Cardiovascular System

    Benefits of Tourmaline:
    •  Detoxification 
    •  Helps aid fat loss 
    •  Reduces water retention 
    •  Improves blood circulation 
    •  Expels unnecessary waste 
    •  Helps cleanse the liver and kidneys 
    •  Helps heal skin disorders
    • Reduction in emotional maladies such as anxiety and depression 
    •  Relief from acute and chronic illnesses
    • Aids in elimination of heavy metals, poisons, and carcinogenic material from our bodies
    • Reduces lactic acids and free fatty acids
    More facts about Tourmaline:

    "The far infrared rays that Tourmaline emits create the same resonance in the body as is normally found in water. This has a very soothing effect on the nerves. Three-quarters of the human body is composed of water, this form of resonance absorption creates increased vitality in living tissues, enhancing energy levels and increases metabolism."

    "This gem has been reported to actually have the power to boost sexual energy in men, as it increases the blood flow and circulation in the body. The gemstone is also reported as helping to ease emotions, increasing vitality and vigor in both men and women."

    When you wear PB, it is as if you are wrapped with this amazing Crystal. Wearing a full set of Premium Beautiful also will remove cellulite which normally appears around your thighs, butt and some other part of the body too. Yes, it's proven that Premium Beautiful is able to reduce cellulite.

    Benefits of Akwatek and Akwadyne:

    Akwatek & Akwadyne is known to help stabilize the body's temperature where in cold conditions the fabric constricts to keep heat and in high temperatures the fabrics allows air and moisture to evaporate easily.

    See is scientifically proven how PB can benefit to your health needs!
    it is indeed a  product which speaks on its own!!

    Monday, 2 January 2012

    Premium Beautiful: Syariah Complied, HALAL!

    It is a halal business when:
    1. Real sale of goods: The products should have tangible benefit to the members or users like health supplements of good quality and other goods. Therefore, goods which have no tangible benefit, of low quality that do not meet the requirements for a real sale of goods, naturally being used to hide the pyramid scheme in MLMs and serve as legal tricks to avoid Shariah prohibition. Therefore, the strength of a MLM should be based on the product quality and not based on the ability to make large profit out of new members fee. – Premium Beautiful is PROVEN works and have benefited all users, not just for beauty but also for health. It is been in the market for more than 20 years and this show that PB works! Look at the testimonials, only great products stay strong in the market. This business is based on the GREAT quality of Premium Beautiful. We sell a corset, a Premium Beautiful corset, dan bukan tiada barang

    2. The product is not gold or silver or currencies: Gold, silver and currencies are ribawi items and should observe strict Shariah rules that only permit spot transactions. Gold, silver and currencies could not be sold on deferred basis because it will be tantamount to Riba Nasiah. PremiumBeautiful is not gold or silver , it’s an amazing corset! ;)

    3. Commission paid to each member is transparent: There should not be any commission paid without effort. Therefore an upline is only entitled to the commission of the downline whom he or she has helped. The Pay Slip for Hai-O shows clearly how the $$$ is being break it down to details. You earn what you have worked for. And this biz is really about TEAM WORK, the leaders always help other members in achieving their dreams. Just look at my leader, Hanis Haizi , ALWAYS full swing in helping her business partners and Aliah Nasreen, a friend and a mentor that I have always looked up to, helping me from the beginning, without fail!Once you become a member, you will get an employee handbook and from there you can see how the bonus is distributed, the percentage and everything you want to know about the commission and bonuses.

    4. Commission is not based on number of new recruits: Commission should be based on the amount of sales that one has managed to achieve. This is important to ensure that the MLM focuses on real business and is not a mere money game. Same as above. Bonus or commission is based on the number of volume sales :). For example, you will get 21% bonus once you reach 20,000 PV (Sales Manager) and not you will get 21% bonus once you 'recruit' 5 members..contoh!

    5. No sales target as a pre-requisite for commission payment: There should not be any form of implied coercion by setting this kind of condition. Premium Beautiful Biz has NO target! This your OWN business, you decide how and where you want to go. Go on your own phase. You set the target for yourself. If you want to get more, you work more, if you want to go for the FOC trip, you work to meet the sales. No weekly/ monthly target from the company. You do your own business; you are your own boss!If you want to receive your bonus, you make a sale! You set your own target. In order to success, it is important to have your won target. 

    6. Every upline should put effort to help their downline: Upline should assist their downline by arranging for meetings, giving motivation and explaining sales techniques to their downline. This is important to ensure the upline is legally (from shariah perspective) entitled to the commission received. If not, the commission received may be categorized as ambiguous (syubhah) income. If the network is too big and the upline does not even know the downline what else to offer assistance, then why should the upline still attain benefit at the expense of the new member? This would result in compound brokerage mentioned above. Premium Beautiful Biz is all about TEAM WORK. Team Leaders help the business partners. I’m speaking from my own experience. Hanis Haizi is a VERY BUSY successful business woman, yet she still find time to meet Aliah and I in helping us with motivations, stratergies, etc.Aliah too! They are the best!! And I will be like them too in helping all my business partners so achieve their goals ;)

    7. Does not utilize pyramid scheme i.e First In Rich Forever (FIRF) scheme: The marketing plan should ensure that everybody has an opportunity to get commission based on their performance and not according to First in Rich Forever scheme. In FIRF schemes, those who join a MLM company at its infant/early stage will always gain more as more members join although the new member is able to sell/perform better than those who join earlier. If it is a genuine business, a downline who performs better than an upline should be able to make more profit than the upline. Premium Beautiful Biz is NOT skim cepat kaya. You earn for what you work for. You will see in the pay slip too that the Upline bonus will minus the downline bonus. It is not possible for the downline to make more money than the upline. Why not, it is after all based on YOUR sale, YOUR work, YOUR effort!Once you stop doing the business, you won't get anything doesn't matter when you join. There are people out there that joined the business few years ago but didn't do anything, didn't progress, didn't get the bonus. 

    8. Disclosure of the commission system should be transparent and understandable: This is to ensure that there will be no fraud and the members could observe the commission payment easily. Pay slip tells all ;). Business handbook tell all too ;)

    9. Structuring of marketing plan based on partnership (musharakah) contract: The best way to set up a marketing plan is based on musharakah where profit and losses in the business is shared according to according to the capital ratio. The parties should agree upon the profit sharing ratio before entering into the contract. Our team ALWAYS meet up to discuss on the biz; on how to expand our biz, how to sell, the strategies and effort needed, etc. Our employee handbook says it all. All you need to know of the business plan, bonus, commissions, EVERYTHING!

    Here's the link about Hai-O Enterprise comply with Syariah